Friday, July 6, 2012

The Hidden Tax

Last week when the Supreme Court ruled that the PPACA was constitutional, they also determined that the “personal responsibility” provision (AKA: The mandate) was also constitutional.  So what does this really mean?
It means that in 2014, if someone does not have health insurance they will have to pay $95.  In 2015 it will be $325.  In 2016 and beyond it becomes $695 or 2.5% of an individuals income.  For families, it is 1/2 the amount for children with a $2,250 annual cap per family.  
There has been a lot of debate as to what to call it: a tax, a penalty, a fine, a mandate.  Whatever you choose to call it, it essentially means that everyone is responsible for carrying health insurance.  The question is why?
To answer this question, we need to look at what is currently going on.  According to 2009 study done by the Center for American Progress and Families USA, whenever someone goes without health insurance, the cost gets shifted to the rest of us.  In other words, when someone can’t pay for care, the cost gets passed along to those that can pay in the form of increased premiums of those that have health insurance.  In Pennsylvania, this “hidden tax” is $320 per person or $900 a family (the national average is $1100 a family).

Looking for a GUEST SPEAKER on healthcare and The New Healthcare Law?  Contact Holly Dolan.  Through the art of storytelling, Holly takes you on her year-long tour around Pennsylvania with an interactive and informative presentation. CLICK HERE for more information.  

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